Dwight School uses the ruvna accountability app to help teachers and staff keep our students safe and accounted for.  

In the event of a drill or actual crisis, a member of the administrative team will trigger an event that will allow you to quickly account for your students (or anyone else's) providing instant feedback allowing us to ensure the accountability of all our students. faculty and staff in the event of an emergency.

To get started, please follow the directions below. Your @dwight.edu Microsoft account will be required to sign in.

iOS users - download and install the ruvna app from the Apple App Store here.

Android users -  download and install the ruvna app from the Google Play Store here.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR ANDROID USERS:  Please remove any old ruvna apps from your phone and re-install it from the Google Play store.  

Once installed, please use the Sign in with Microsoft button to log in with your email address and your computer/email password.


You must OPT-IN to receive event notifications

Tap the person in the upper right corner then tap Notification Preferences.

Please confirm your mobile number is listed.  If it is not listed, please update your profile in MyDwight to include it.  Ruvna syncs contact information from MyDwight which is used for accountability and emergency notifications for events like snow days.

Next tap Enable Recommended Notifications so all toggle switches are green.

Once installed, please review the following videos in the link below on how to use Ruvna Accountability.